Fidelity First Health Insurance Company
A Fidelity First Health Insurance Company review found that this LLC has two major locations, one in Wilmington, NC, and the other in Baton Rouge, LA. Fidelity First Healthcare Services, LLC as it is formally called might be considered a medium sized business in comparison to major medical hospitals in your average metropolitan city. This business is like a community healthcare facility.
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Fidelity First Healthcare offers several forms of specific care, such as mental healthcare, and long-term care. These community facilities are also intended for preventive care and regular check-ups. They can also be effective for small emergencies that do not require heavy equipment.
There are many other services that community healthcare facilities like Fidelity First Healthcare, LLC offer. Some other examples are:
- Flu Shots & Immunization
- Managing Migraine Headaches
- Viruses
- Simple Infections
- Sprains
Some conditions require full hospital services if they are more serious than the facility is equipped to handle. Serious conditions such, as heart attacks, strokes, or cancer treatments have to be addressed at a more sophisticated or specialty facility like a hospital.
Fidelity First Healthcare Malpractice Insurance
Medical facilities need a lot of liability protection in the event providers make mistakes that affect human lives. Medical malpractice is the type of coverage doctors, nurses and other healthcare specialist need. This coverage is equivalent to errors and omissions, which is required by many business specialists like lawyers and real estate agents.
Malpractice insurance is a type of group coverage that is essentially a high-risk pool.
It is not limited to surgical mistakes, but also includes consultation, lab, and financial errors. These errors have to somehow affect or alter the life of another.
Fidelity First Healthcare Claims
Filing a healthcare claim is necessary whenever you visit a provider under your healthcare plan. Filing healthcare claims, like other insurance claim filing, requires a fact-finding process. This process may be as simple as filing a claim for a fender bender. Instead of calling your insurer however, the doctor’s administrative assistant files the claim.
Rather than call you, the claims processor usually retrieves information from your doctor’s office or lab. The only time you may have to communicate with your insurer is for pre-authorization for a procedure or admittance to the hospital.
Fidelity First Healthcare Prevention
Prevention is a huge issue in the healthcare industry nowadays. Since the implementation of HMO’s or health maintenance organizations and PPO’s, referenced as preferred provider organizations, the medical industry isolates the task of determining how much money is saved by promoting preventative healthcare. There are special research projects that determine these numbers.
Prevention is about coordinating medical screenings to catch potential conditions in its early stages or modifying your lifestyle to avoid them. Modification is possible through the magic of education. The biggest lifestyle modification challenge Americans face today is losing weight.
Americans have unsuspectingly gained enough weight as a whole to prompt the cries of an epidemic. Many initiatives attack this so-called epidemic with education campaigns like the “Get Up and Move” initiative by the First Lady, Michelle Obama. This initiative encourages school age kids to move around whenever possible.
Healthcare providers encourage prevention screenings at certain milestones in life.
A few examples of milestones that warrant a screening are:
- Sigmoidoscopy between ages 35 to 40
- Colonoscopy at age 50 unless you have a family history
- Mammogram at age 50 unless you have a family history
- Oral Cancer Screening with annual check-ups
- Pap Smears with annual check-ups
- Prostate Exam at age 40
These are all cancer screenings, but there are other screenings like a vision exam every other year that is also important. Diabetes and heart disease are deadly conditions that warrant prevention testing as well.
Fidelity First Health Insurance for Mental Health and Long-Term Care
Mental health illness is still a condition that people stigmatize. However, the medical community along with celebrities is shedding light on common conditions relating to mental health. As a result, the public is becoming more educated, while insurance companies are supporting mental health services as part of their plan packages.
Long-term healthcare is another sensitive area of medicine that can become very expensive. Fidelity First educates its policyholders on what they can expect when dealing with these types of claims. This company is obviously on the cutting edge of modern medicine, and the health insurance industry, prompting Wilmington and Baton Rouge residents to take notice.
To get health insurance rates today, enter your zip code now to get started.
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