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Guardian Health Insurance Company

The Guardian Health Insurance Company offers employee benefit programs suited to small and medium-sized businesses in the United States. When employers want to attract and retain quality candidates for jobs, they look to a health insurance company like Guardian.

Plans can be devised for organizations with as few as two participating members, and Guardian prides itself in providing the same types of plans for its customers that are usually offered only to large corporations.

Red through this Guardian Health Insurance review, search through the customer reviews of Guardian Insurance at the bottom of the page, and then use the free health insurance quote box on the side of the page to compare plans from top health insurance providers online.

Guardian Company History

Guardian was founded in New York in 1860 by Hugo Wesendonck. The company originally did business under the name, “Germania Insurance Company of New York.” Within the first couple of years of opening its doors, the company was busy establishing agencies across the United States.

The company’s expansion was not limited to one side of the Atlantic. In 1868, Germania opened an agency in Europe. The company continued its pattern of growth, and by the early 1900s, nearly 50% of its business was being conducted in countries other than the United States. The advent of the First World War was responsible for forcing the company to stop writing up policies in Europe. In 1917, Germania Insurance was renamed “The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America.”

Guardian Insurance Products

Guardian provides a number of insurance products to its policyholders. Companies interested in arranging for group coverage can work with Guardian to design a plan to fit their employees’ needs. One of the types of insurance protection this company offers is medical coverage.

This company offers a lot of flexibility in its medical insurance products. With the variety of benefit levels, co-pays, and discounts for buying multiple insurance lines, company owners can tailor the plan to their employees’ needs and budgets. Guardian offers a number of comprehensive plans that include preventive care, such as routine laboratory tests and X-rays, gynecological exams, immunizations, and prostate screenings.

Plan members can get access to medical care from Guardian’s network of over 450,000 providers and 4,200 health care facilities located across the United States. They also have the option of getting treated by health care providers who are part of a complementary network, reducing the need to consider out-of-network care.

All of Guardian’s plan members have access to health information available online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Access to a Registered Nurse is another benefit available to plan members. The company appreciates the value of a healthy lifestyle, and offers discounts on the cost of fitness centers. Plans covering prescription drugs are also available.

Guardian Dental Plans

A dental plan from Guardian Insurance means that policyholders have access to an extensive Preferred Provider Network with more than 90,000 members. Prices for dental care run an average of 30% less than the usual rate for similar services. Flexible dental insurance plans can be set up to include the kinds of benefits that are most important to members. This includes plans that allow members to roll over a certain portion of their unused benefit for future use.

Benefits under a Guardian dental plan include coverage for services like dental implants, fluoride treatment for adults, periodontal treatments, and early cancer detection exams. A vision network discount is a value-added service that comes with Guardian dental plans.

Claims Paid Promptly

Policyholders with Guardian Insurance can expect that their claims will be paid quickly. Over 90% of claims made against health insurance policies are paid out within 15 calendar days. This hassle-free practice is a definite advantage to plan members.

Guardian insures over 6,000,000 people, offering them coverage to keep up with their oral health care. A dental checkup can screen for many diseases, including diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and anemia. Claims on Guardian dental benefits are paid promptly, usually in about three days. Guardian Dental plan members are very satisfied with the service they receive from the company.

Voluntary Products

Guardian also offers insurance products that can be added to the standard group health insurance offered by an employer. If a worker chooses to add on this optional coverage, the premiums are collected through payroll deduction, for maximum convenience. Enrolling in an optional plan is quick and easy, and the company provides a toll-free hotline number so that an employee can ask questions before signing up for coverage.

Compare Guardian Health Insurance Quotes

Business owners interested in finding out more about Guardian’s products can access information from this and other insurers easily, and at no cost. To get more information about companies like Guardian Health Insurance, just click on the free insurance tool at the top of this page now!