The Landcar Insurance Company is a Utah-based casualty insurance provider originally founded in 1989, according to Utah insurance records. The company moved operations from Colorado to Utah in 1995 and changed its name to Landcar Casualty Company. Today, the company is still located in Sandy, Utah, but now does business under the name Landcar Insurance Services. The company is part of the Larry H. Miller (LHM) group of companies operating throughout the western portion of the United States.
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Landcar Insurance Services carries only three products: vehicle service contracts, maintenance contracts, and GAP coverage. They do not provide health insurance of any kind. If you need health insurance in Utah you will need to search for another provider, which you can do using the tool on this website.
The first two Landcar products are offered under a scenario in which the company purchases warranties and service contracts offered by local dealerships. From the customer’s standpoint their coverage does not change, only the provider of the service. Customers can still have repairs and maintenance work done at their local dealer or at any one of the hundreds of LHM locations in the seven states where they do business.
The third product, known as GAP coverage, is purchased by individuals with loans still outstanding on their cars. This insurance provides coverage against financial loss in a situation where the book value of a car is considerably less than the loan amount. If the car were to be totaled in an accident, GAP coverage would make up the difference between the outstanding loan amount and what your primary auto insurance pays out.
Landcar Insurance Company Local Agents
Because the insurance products they offer are considered niche products, there isn’t much of a market among local independent agents to represent Landcar Insurance Company. As far as their service and maintenance contracts are concerned, Landcar does business directly with the local dealership to purchase those contracts. As for the GAP insurance, that would usually be offered through the dealership when the individual purchases a car with a loan.
That being said, it’s not out of the question that a small number of independent agents have heard about what Landcar offers in terms of their GAP coverage and have offered to represent the company. If so, those GAP policies would probably be sold in conjunction with its standard auto policy, which includes full collision. For information about how to obtain a Landcar GAP policy, you can contact the company using the following information:
Landcar Casualty Company
9350 South 150 East Suite 1000
Sandy, UT 84070
Phone: (801) 563-4150
Toll Free: (800) 733-7339
It may be that Landcar operates other offices in some of the states where LHM has dealerships. It may also be that they operate inside those dealerships. None of this can be confirmed without contacting the company and inquiring.
Landcar Insurance Company Claims
While the company’s three products are generally sold through dealerships owned by LHM and located in western states, they can still have their vehicles serviced at dealerships throughout the United States with full coverage. The company provides a toll-free number on policy documents and its website where customers can call for an authorization number. That authorization number is applied for payment, and the service provider would bill Landcar Insurance separately.
It is assumed that claims for GAP coverage would work similarly to standard automobile insurance claims. The customer would contact Landcar’s customer service department over the phone to initiate a claim. The company would review documentation provided by the customer’s primary auto insurance policy and then make payment accordingly.
Landcar Insurance Company Financials
Though Landcar officially does business under the name Landcar Insurance Services, the corporate name still exists. It is under that name that the company is registered with A.M. Best for financial ratings. As of 2010, A.M. Best gave them a rating of “A” based on their firm financial footing, a good asset to liabilities ratio, and their ability to make good on claims.
Financial records filed in 2010 show the company doing very well with total assets in excess of $9.7 million. Landcar Casualty Company also listed a policy surplus of $1.4 million and working capital of $1 million.
Even though Landcar Insurance doesn’t sell healthcare policies, you can still get a leg up on finding affordable health insurance rates by entering your zip code in the box below.