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North Star Health Insurance Corporation

North Star or Northstar are very popular names for healthcare concerns and other types of insurance related businesses. Northstar Healthcare in Chicago, Illinois, and Houston, Texas for example, are major providers of health services in their respective locales. North Star Health is an information technology concern based in Atlanta, Georgia. There are also cities and towns named North Star in Delaware, Ohio, and Michigan.

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There is North Star Health Services in Urbana, Illinois and North Star Insurance Services, Inc in Needham, Massachusetts. North Star Insurance Services, LLC is an insurance broker in Seattle, Washington specializing in marine insurance products as well as traditional fire and casualty programs. The North Star Reinsurance Corporation in Stamford, Connecticut also provides similar insurance products to its clients. Northstar Risk Management and Insurance is a California broker that creates comprehensive business insurance packages.

The North Star Life Insurance Company of Ithaca, New York is a division of Minnesota Life Insurance, licensed to sell Minnesota Life’s products in NY State. These products are credit specific, meaning the life policy is designed to cover the balance of an outstanding credit obligation such as a credit card, installment loan, line of credit, or mortgage debt. A.M. Best rates this company as A+, Superior.

For more information about North Star Life, contact:

North Star Life Insurance
301 East State Street
Ithaca, New York 14850


The main focus of this review will be the North Star Mutual Insurance Company

The North Star Mutual Insurance Company is based in Cottonwood, Minnesota about 140 miles from the Minneapolis/St Paul metropolitan area. It was founded in 1920, and over the last 90 years has always been able to maintain its characteristic small town company appeal while providing high quality service to its policyholders.

North Star Mutual is a regional insurance carrier, providing policy service in Minnesota, Nebraska, North and South Dakota, Iowa and Oklahoma. North Star is currently planning to expand its coverage area to Wisconsin. Its products are offered through independent local agencies. Enter your zip code on the home page listed above and find a licensed North Star agent near you!

North Star Mutual Ratings

In the financial security arena, North Star Mutual is rated Superior, A+, by rating company A. M. Best. In 2010, they were named to the Ward’s top fifty group of benchmark companies, for a record sixth straight year.

North Star Mutual’s contact information is as follows:

North Star Mutual Insurance Company
269 Barstad Road South
P. O. Box 48
Cottonwood, Minnesota 56229


Email: [email protected]

North Star Mutual Products

North Star Mutual provides insurances for homes and farms, and coverage for automobiles, commercial vehicles, and businesses.

North Star Mutual provides property protection and liability protection for:

  • Property owners and renters
  • Farm owners’ business and personal property
  • Business owners and commercial buildings, churches and other properties
  • Building contractors
  • Vehicles, cars, trucks and vehicles for business and farm use

Farm Programs

A big part of the history of North Star Mutual is its association with Township Mutuals throughout the state of Minnesota. These local companies were organized by area farmers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century to provide fire insurance protection for their own rural farm properties. North Star began writing wind damage policies in the 1920’s in concert with these Mutual organizations. Today, the Township Mutuals provide around 80 percent of all farm coverage in Minnesota, and through this affiliation, North Star Mutual is the largest single farm insurer in Minnesota.

Worker’s Compensation

North Star Mutual, in association with SFM since 1998, writes worker’s comp policies throughout Minnesota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. SFM are experts in worker’s compensation insurance, and the largest comp provider in Minnesota.

North Star Mutual Customer Service

North Star Mutual’s goal is to provide excellent coverage with speedy, equitable, and attentive service to all of its clients throughout the central United States. North Star Mutual strongly supports the United Way, matching its employee’s contributions. The North Star website provides easy access for customers and agents alike.

North Star Mutual Careers

Full time employees enjoy generous vacation and comprehensive benefit programs. Flex scheduling is encouraged. A printable application may be found on their career page. Human Resources may be contacted directly by calling: 507-423-6262 or 800-622-5230 or by e-mail: [email protected].

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