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Physicians Mutual Health Insurance Company

The Physicians Mutual Health Insurance Company is based in Nebraska and has been in business since 1902. The company was started by Edwin E. Elliott, who wanted to offer health insurance to doctors and other health care professionals.

From the physicians’ niche market, this mutual health insurance company branched out to offer products to the general public starting in 1962. Today, the Physicians Mutual Health Insurance Company offers a number of products, including health insurance, dental coverage, and long-term care insurance. The company also sells life insurance and annuities.

Read this Physicians Mutual review, take a look at the various reviews of Physicians Mutual Insurance left by customers of Physicians Mutual at the bottom of this article, and then be sure and enter your zip code in on the side of this page to compare top health insurance providers online.

Physicians Mutual Hospitalization Insurance

The organization offers its customers hospitalization insurance. Unlike other health insurance options, hospitalization insurance from Physicians Mutual pays benefits directly to the policyholder, as opposed to the health care provider. The funds can be used to pay for medical care, living expenses, or any other purpose that makes sense to the policyholder.

With a Physicians Mutual hospital insurance policy, the insured can choose to seek treatment from any hospital they wish. They don’t need to be concerned about whether a particular hospital is part of an insurance company’s network of providers. Plans are available to pay a benefit of up to $1,500 per day and coverage is available for individuals, a husband and wife, and families.

Note that hospital insurance plans are typically not considered full health insurance coverage as major medical health insurance coverage is and the benefit paid out under a hospital policy may not be enough to cover all expenses.

Physicians Mutual Outpatient Insurance

Along with hospital insurance coverage, this company also offers outpatient insurance. Since more procedures are being performed without a hospital stay, having health insurance coverage that pays benefits for them is a good choice. Physicians Mutual offers a guaranteed acceptance plan for people between the ages of 18-75. Under this type of policy, the patient can get treatment at a hospital, clinic, emergency room, trauma center, or a doctor’s office.

With an outpatient insurance policy, the benefits are paid to the policyholder over and above any other coverage they have in place. In a similar fashion to the hospitalization insurance, benefits under the outpatient policy are paid directly to the policyholder. He or she gets to decide what the money will be used for.

Outpatient insurance covers surgical procedures themselves, but also pays out for laboratory tests, x-rays, and EKGs. Prescribed medications are included in this coverage. Home care during the recovery period after the procedure is another covered benefit with this type of coverage.

Physicians Mutual Life Insurance

Life insurance is an important part of an overall financial plan, and Physicians Mutual offers three coverage options to its customers. Term life insurance covers a person for a set amount of time. Once the term expires, the insurance coverage ends and the person can purchase a new one or let the coverage lapse.

Buying term insurance when you are young and healthy means that your premium rates will be relatively low. As you get older, the rates you are charged will increase. Term life insurance is a good choice for people who want to put insurance protection in place to replace their income for several years in the event of their untimely death. The money can be used to pay for bills, debts, a mortgage, or to fund the children’s education fund. Funeral expenses can also be paid for out of the proceeds of the insurance policy.

Whole life insurance is a product that people buy to protect them for life. It is a more expensive choice than buying term insurance, and choosing to buy this type of insurance does provide a higher degree of protection. You can make sure that your loved ones are protected, and the proceeds from the insurance policy can be used to replace your income for a number of years. They can even be used to pay for funeral expenses.

Physicians Mutual Annuities

Annuities are a different type of financial product. It provides a guaranteed source of income for life and is a choice that appeals to people who are concerned about running out of money during retirement. Some annuities can be set up to pay an income for life, while others will pay out a monthly income for a set number of years. Interest may be set at the beginning of the year or set in advance for these types of products. Physicians Mutual offers several options to meet the needs of its customers.

Compare Physicians Mutual Health Insurance Quotes

Now that you have learned something about the various products offered by Physicians Mutual Health Insurance, why don’t you take the next step by getting a quote for hospital or outpatient insurance? Use the insurance tool at the top to guide your search. All you need to do to get started is to click on it, so why don’t you get started right now?

4 Comments to “Physicians Mutual Health Insurance Company”

  1. carole curry says:

    I, Carole Curry, would like some information on your hospital. I have medical on my job but not enough I have to pay my 20 after my insurance pays their 80%

  2. Sally Forest says:

    “I have to say this company has been the greatest insurance company I have ever dealt with. I purchased a Medicare Supplement from them and the agent came to my house, explained everything to me about Medicare, my different options and I was so impressed!

    I felt like I understood a great deal when I was done. Thank you Physicians Mutual for a great representative and representation of your company. Thank you for paying everything on my recent hospitalization, I did not pay a dime.”

  3. Gayle Ninemire says:

    I have just learned that my Physicians Mutual Long-term Care insurance premium will go up from $119 per month for the $114K benefit to $260 for the same benefit. Makes no sense. Very upset.

  4. Katherine Vogt says:

    i have had PHYSICIANS MUTUAL SUPPLEMENT insurance for about 6 years….I am very pleased with the insurance……I PAY a little more but I never have a co-pay or see a bill….This is amazing….If a person wants better insurance it is worth the amount you pay…..I HAVE HAD other insurance in the past……The insurance was a little cheaper but I had co-pays and bills that were sent very time I went to a DR…..I CAN GO where ever I want to go to see a DR or hospital….Like everything else in life if you want a little more you will have to pay for it….


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