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United American Health Insurance Company

United American Health Insurance Company is more than a health insurance provider. It offers cancer and critical illness insurance, group insurance, health insurance, life insurance, and Medicare Supplemental and Part D coverage.

Founded in Texas in 1947, United American Health Insurance Company operates as United American Insurance Company and is now available in all of the United States except for New York. It is also licensed in the District of Columbia and Canada. Steadfast to its original values, United American Health Insurance Company maintains its belief in commitment, quality, service, and stability to its participants. United American is a highly rated company but consumers should be aware that UA health plans are notorious for having very limited benefits.

Read through this United American review, take a look at the customer reviews of United American health insurance at the bottom of this page, and then compare free health quotes from top health insurance providers by entering your zip code into the box on the side of this page.

United American Financial Strength Ratings

For stability, United American Insurance Company has received a financial strength rating of A+ from A.M. Best Company for 30 years in a row. It also maintains an AA- rating from Standard & Poor. In 2007, they processed over six million claims and the average time it took to process a Medicare Supplement claim was a little over four days. Most Medicare Supplement policies were issued in a little more than eight days and all policies in general were issued in approximately ten days, backing up their dedication to customer service.

For quality, United American Insurance Company guarantees that as long as you always pay your premiums on time your policy will be renewed. They also offer flexible benefits that adjust with your needs, the choice to go to any doctor you want since there is no network or set selection of providers, and unaffected benefits if you move out of state or change jobs. Regardless of what the future holds, they claim they are committed to being there for their current participants as well as future members.

Products Offered by United American Insurance Company

Supplemental Health Insurance Policies are offered as additional coverage to your current medical insurance plan or as basic coverage for people who cannot afford full coverage or are unable to obtain full coverage for other reasons. The plans vary greatly in order to provide you with a number of options so that one is likely to meet your needs. The Freedom Signature Series was developed for people who need low cost health care coverage but can’t get a major medical policy and the Foundation Signature Series was created as a supplement for people who have major medical or for people who need coverage but can’t afford high premiums. Other choices include The FlexGuard® Plus Hospital and Surgical plan, the Good Sense Plan Hospital and Surgical, and the Common Sense Plan. There is also a HSXC Hospital & Surgical plan, a SHXC Hospital and Surgical plan, a SMXC Surgical and Medical plan, and a MMXC Hospital and Surgical plan. Also available is the UA-250 Accident Compensation Plan. For California residents, there is the Tradition Signature Series option.

United American Critical Illness & Cancer Plans

HealthGuard Critical Illness and Cash Benefit Cancer Plan are supplemental plans that pay a benefit of anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 upon a cancer or other critical illness diagnosis (note that these plans are only designed to be used as supplemental plans and not stand alone health plans as the benefits are very limited). The benefit pays cash to the policy holder which can be used to pay for medical costs not covered by other insurance, alternative treatments not covered in another plan, or to help pay for bills due to loss of income or other reasons.

United American Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance and Whole Life Insurance benefits are available with the Fundamental Life Series I policies and range from $1,000 to $20,000 in benefit payout. The Term Life Policy (10-Year Renewable Term Life) can be issued to persons aged eighteen to eighty and cover a ten year term which will automatically renew itself for an additional ten year term. No matter what health changes you may experience during your term of coverage, your premiums will remain the same. Whole Life Policies that cover ages newborn to seventy-two (21-Pay Increasing Benefit Whole Life) last for the life of the member and grows a cash value from the payment of premiums. With this policy, the premiums remain unchanged for twenty-one years and the policy is then considered paid. The Whole Life policy for persons aged zero to eighty (Whole Life) also lasts the lifetime of the insured and builds cash value, but with this policy the premiums remain the same for the entire time of the policy.

The Fundamental Life Series II provides life insurance benefits that range from $25,000 to $500,000. The 10-Year Renewable Term Life can be issued for newborns to age sixty and is a ten year term life insurance policy that has a renew option for another ten year term. The premiums do not change during the term. The 10-Year Renewable Term to Annual Renewable Term policy can be obtained for someone aged twenty to seventy and provides coverage for ten years which can then be renewed on a yearly basis. During the initial ten years, the premiums do not change. A 20-Year Renewable Term to Annual Renewable Term option is also available and is the same as the 10-Year option but is good for an initial twenty years. However, it is only available to persons aged twenty to sixty. Whole Life can be purchased for newborns through age eighty and the policy has a lifetime fixed premium with a growing cash value benefit.

Deciding on how much life insurance is needed is frequently up for debate. Usually it is considered a good idea for the person providing the most income to carry the most life insurance. However, partners that do not provide an income should also consider life insurance if they have a dependent and provide full time child care to that dependent, as that is an added expense that needs to be factored into the equation. In general, you should have enough coverage equal to five or six years your annual income, dependent upon on if you have a life insurance policy at work that provides coverage for one year or so. When determining your life insurance needs, you should also factor in social security benefits that your dependents will receive on your behalf. Life insurance is a benefit for your dependents, so their future needs must be considered when determining an appropriate policy.

United American Medicare Plans

For Medicare recipients, United American Insurance Company offers nine Medicare Supplement policies. They offer A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, and HDF (High Deductible Plan F), which is similar to Medicare’s F Plan but with a high deductible and low premium option. For Medicare Part D, there is the UA Medicare PartD and the UA Medicare PartDSilver, in which both plans have premiums that vary by state. UA Medicare PartD does not have a deductible, generic drugs begin at $5, and the co-insurance varies by state. UA Medicare PartDSilver has varying deductibles based by state, although there is no deductible on generic drugs, which start as low as $4. Also, the co-insurance remains the same from state to state.

United American Group Health Insurance

Health and life insurance is also available for groups of twenty-five members or more, and can include accidental death and dismemberment, cancer insurance, critical illness insurance, health insurance, life insurance, and Medicare Supplement along with Medicare Part D. Rates are competitive and members are not constrained to a network of providers. All of the programs can be modified to suit the needs of the company and its employees.

Compare United American Health Insurance Quotes

Having a lot of choices in health care coverage makes it easier to select a plan that works for your needs. Some people require a low premium and choose a higher deductible to compensate while others look for a low deductible plan with inexpensive co-payments.

While your medical history is not a crystal ball for your future, it can help you determine what type of coverage you should consider. Some people go to the doctor once every three years and yet others visit their health providers so often they know the receptionist’s children’s names and their social activities. Knowing your lifestyle can help you determine which policy to buy.

If you currently have some United American health insurance quotes and are considering buying a United American health plan then first take a moment to compare your options from multiple companies. To help you decide on a plan, enter your zip code in the free quote tool above and compare different options today!