Category: FAQ

How do health insurance agents make money?
“To sum it up…” Insurance agents primarily make money from commissions Commissions are collected from premiums before g...

What is a health insurance license?
“To sum it up…” Licensing for health insurance is regulated by each state in America, with minimum requirements being s...

What is a guaranteed issue health insurance plan?
“To sum it up…” A guaranteed issue health insurance plan has no right of refusal by the offeror Guaranteed issue plans ...

How to Read Your Health Insurance Policy
“To sum it up…” The key phrases to determine a consumer’s out of pocket liability under an insurance policy are: ...

What is a health insurance network?
Key Takeaways A Health insurance network is your health plan provider’s preferred list of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare provid...

Is long-term healthcare insurance tax deductible?
“To sum it up…” Long-term healthcare insurance is tax-deductible as a medical expense Premiums, costs, and expenses are...

What are health insurance providers?
“To sum it up…” Health insurance providers are organizations that issue policies and manage health insurance plans. Pro...

Why is healthcare so complicated?
“To sum it up…” Healthcare is a large industry and it serves more than 300 million Americans Public healthcare is a com...

What is a single-payer healthcare system?
“To sum it up…” In a single payer healthcare system, one entity provides universal health coverage, as opposed to multi...