There are websites and state agencies that can help you. They can help you with making a list of health insurance companies you want to start with.
If you want to find health insurance quotes available in your area try the zip code search tool. It is free and easy to use.
Every state has a Department of Insurance that can supply you with a list of state approved private health insurance companies. This list will sometimes be broken into categories of who they can offer products too. These categories will include things like group, private, and Medicare. You can find this information on the Department of Insurance website, or call and have the lists mailed to you.
You can also utilize website search engines and independent websites to shop for health insurance companies. Many times they will give you several options; different searches may provide different results.
Just make sure you are using reputable independent companies! Sometimes these websites are sponsored by a health insurance company and put out biased information.
How can I find out if a health insurance company is legitimate?
No matter who you decide to search for a health insurance company, you still want to make sure they are a legitimate health insurance provider. The internet has made it much easier for people become victims of fraud.
There are a variety of websites that are dedicated to helping consumers find out more information about health insurance companies. Two of the most highly respected are:
- Better Business Bureau:The BBB website allows you to see complaints that may have been filed against a company from other consumers as well as file a complaint. The BBB also provides companies the opportunity to be accredited with them.
- A.M. Best ratings: They provide an independent financial rating system for insurance companies. This allows you to get a picture of the company’s overall financial health.
There are many other companies that provide free independent ratings of health insurance companies. These websites may not have a listing for every health insurance company available but they will help you make a more informed choice.
What are health insurance brokers?
Health insurance brokers may be another great option for finding and comparing insurance companies. Brokers research insurance products available to help clients find the best policy and coverage for them.
Brokers are not the same as insurance agents. Agents work for a company and will only sell you policies available from that company. Brokers are licensed and work for the client. They are not limited to which companies they can offer.
Some brokers will charge a flat fee for their services. They do not receive any type of compensation from the health insurance companies. If a broker does not charge a fee then they are paid a commission from insurance companies. They are still bond by a strict code of ethics. This code states that the broker must represent the client’s best interest and not sell you coverage you do not need.
The Wall Street Journal suggests you make sure you are using a reputable broker. You can check for disciplinary actions at your state’s Department of Insurance. You can also check the Better Business Bureau to see if there have been complaints filed against the broker or the company they work for.
How can I find health insurance companies that my doctor accepts?
If you already have a doctor that want to keep using, you will need to find a health insurance company that they accept. Most doctors’ offices accept a variety of health insurance companies. Their office can usually provide you with a list of companies they participate in.
If the insurance policy you choose uses a network provider system they will provide you with a list of health care providers to choose from. Sometimes these policies allow you to see doctors that are not in their network but you will have to pay higher co-pays.
Other types of insurance policies pay reimburse you for a portion of your medical bills directly. This means you are free to use any provider you want without worrying if they do not take your insurance or will stop taking it in the future. You pay the facility in full then submit a health insurance claim to your insurance company.
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